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Steffen Schiemann Main Profile Image

Steffen Schiemann

Dresden / Germany

Collage, Conceptual art, Drawing, Installation, Mixed media, Painting, Sculpture • Born in Berlin/Germany • Studied at Dresden/Germany

Published  15/08/2016   |   Updated  06/09/2018

Elvis has left the building/ Looking for solution

I like to create a problem and working on a solution. So I find some creatures or things .

Steffen Schiemann
Studio 2018

Studio 2018



Galerie Schadow/ Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/ Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/Berlin 2017

Studio 2018

Studio 2018

gallery shoobil/ Antwerpen 2017

gallery shoobil/ Antwerpen 2017

Galerie Schadow/ Berlin 2017

Galerie Schadow/ Berlin 2017

Studio 2018

Studio 2018

Studio 2018

Studio 2018



Studio 2018

Studio 2018

Studio 2018

Studio 2018

What is it about your studio space that inspires you?

This room is very simple.

What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?

There is nothing but the railroad.

What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?

Its not the material its the imaginary of a solution Iam looking for.

What themes do you pursue?

Beauty,Realism, Simplicity.

What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?

Listen to your voice.

If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?

It would be absolutely anywhere.

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

A piece of textile.

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?


What are your favourite places besides your studio?





"Elvis has left the Building", Gallery Weißer Hirsch, Dresden-Germany



art fair Dresden-Germany


"HEADS" Gallery Collective Studio, London-GB

"Dunkel und Licht" (collage) Gallery 2. Floor, Dresden-Germany

show all


Gallery Weißer Hirsch, Dresden-Germany | www.galerie-weisserhirsch.de

Galerie Pack of Patches, Jena-Germany | www.packofpatches.com

EDUCATION (detailed)

1996-2001 Hfbk Dresden/ Germany

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