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Stamatis Papazoglou Main Profile Image

Stamatis Papazoglou


Collage, Drawing, Painting • Born in Aachen/Germany • Studied at Vienna/Austria, Düsseldorf/Germany

Published  06/03/2017   |   Updated  11/01/2020

process and surprise

"my method is a result of painting and spray painting, to draw spontaneously or in some occasions with planned ideas on paper, to which I cut the paper and afterwards collage to the surface and then tear off and re-apply to the surface. then I work on the applied material layers with flex and sanding machines, high-pressure cleaners and knives until the process of construction and deconstruction develops its own momentum in an organic nature...

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"my method is a result of painting and spray painting, to draw spontaneously or in some occasions with planned ideas on paper, to which I cut the paper and afterwards collage to the surface and then tear off and re-apply to the surface. then I work on the applied material layers with flex and sanding machines, high-pressure cleaners and knives until the process of construction and deconstruction develops its own momentum in an organic nature allowing for a picture to emerge free and radical in its mood and composition."

"ich male, streiche, sprühe und zeichne spontan oder geplant ideen auf papier, um diese dann zu zerschneiden, auf bildträgern zu collagieren, wieder abzureißen, neu zu verkleben, zu zerschneiden und anzuordnen. danach bearbeite ich die aufgebrachten materialschichten mit flex- und schleifgeräten, hochdruckreiniger und messern, bis der prozess der konstruktion/dekonstruktion in einem organischen sinne eine eigendynamik entwickelt und radikal ergebnisoffen ein bild entsteht."

Stamatis Papazoglou
2019, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 220 x 200 cm

2019, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 220 x 200 cm

2019, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 220 x200cm

2019, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 220 x200cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 210x 300cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 210x 300cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 240 x 220 cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 240 x 220 cm

2016, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 60cm x 50cm

2016, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 60cm x 50cm

2017, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 190 x 280 cm

2017, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 190 x 280 cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 180cm x 220cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 180cm x 220cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 140 x 290 cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 140 x 290 cm

2017, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 200 x 180 cm

2017, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 200 x 180 cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 110 x 70 cm

2018, Acryl, Spraypaint, Papier, Leinwand, Keilrahmen 110 x 70 cm

What is it about your studio space that inspires you?

its an old carpentry. i love this craftsman athmosphere. at least it is my territory.

What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?

my main material are papers.

What themes do you pursue?

my theme is my material.

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

something expensive and good looking like pollocks "blue poles"

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?

business man, poker pro, silver surver, ninja, music

What are your favourite places besides your studio?

home with my family.




„Stamatis Papazoglou” SANAA-Gebäude auf Zollverein, Essen


„Stamatis Papazoglou” Atelierhof Kreuzberg



„Papers” das Gift, Berlin

Berlin-Klondyke „Die Berliner Edition” Salon Dahlmann, Berlin


EDUCATION (detailed)

1997-1999: University of supplied Arts / Vienna

1999-2005: Kunstakademie Düsseldorf

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