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Ruprecht von Kaufmann Main Profile Image

Ruprecht von Kaufmann

Berlin / Germany

Painting • Born in Munich / Germany • Studied at Los Angeles / USA

Published  08/12/2015   |   Updated  01/03/2016

The best Profession

Von Kaufmann’s delight in the substance of paint is evident in his lascivious handling of it: the thick and gutsy paint is an absolute pleasure to the eyes. He has long been conscious that the visual artist works in physical media, and speaks of his growing awareness of ‘the idea that a painting is an object.’ At first this meant that his paint grew thicker and more audacious, boldly making itself known within the image. And with time it...

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Von Kaufmann’s delight in the substance of paint is evident in his lascivious handling of it: the thick and gutsy paint is an absolute pleasure to the eyes. He has long been conscious that the visual artist works in physical media, and speaks of his growing awareness of ‘the idea that a painting is an object.’ At first this meant that his paint grew thicker and more audacious, boldly making itself known within the image. And with time it provoked him to challenge his substrate, leading to experiments with painting on rubber and felt, with gashes in the surface, with questioning the most desirable viewpoint, and with merging painting and installation (though, notably, never abandoning painting). It drove him to adopt wax as a medium for pigment, rather than linseed oil, to give a satin glow and a cloudy transparency to the generous lathering of paint. The earthy physicality of painting remains ever at the fore in von Kaufmann’s work, and I think we would do well to seize upon the sensuous strength of paint even if others fashionably abandon it for every material but.

Ruprecht von Kaufmann
Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation shot of the exhibition The God of Small and Big Things at Gallery Crone

Installation at Forum Kunst, Rottweil, Germany

Installation at Forum Kunst, Rottweil, Germany

Installation at Forum Kunst Rottweil, Germany

Installation at Forum Kunst Rottweil, Germany

Installation Kolbe Museum

Installation Kolbe Museum

Installation Kolbe Museum

Installation Kolbe Museum

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider

Installationsansicht The Vacancy | Galerie Crone | Fotograf Marcus Schneider









All the Leaves

Music Video to a song by the wonderful singer-songrwiter Ed Laurie




grösserschnellerbessermehr, Forum Kunst Rottweil, Rottweil, Germany


Geaorg Kolbe Museum, Berlin, Germany

Carna(va)l, Museum Liesborn, Liesborn, Germany

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Du sollst dir (k)ein Bild machen, Belrliner Dom, Berlin, Germany


Waffensichten, Museum Dachau, Dachau, Germany

The Sea, Brandts Museum, Odense, Denmark

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Hort Collection, New York, USA

Sammlung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin, Germany

Sammlung des Deutschen Bundestages, Berlin, Germany


Galerie Crone, Berlin + Wien | http://galeriecrone.com


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