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Peter Freitag Main Profile Image

Peter Freitag

Berlin, Germany

Collage, Drawing, Mixed media • Born in Ochsenfurt, Germany • Studied at Hochschule der Kuenste, Berlin

Published  05/09/2014   |   Updated  12/09/2017

under deconstruction

Peter Freitag works with pre-existing motifs taken from advertising, magazines or art catalogues. Using these items to create unique units of being, his conceptual approach does not present a shallow criticism of these works; instead he opens a deconstructivist dialogue with their pictorial language.

Although his technique and conceptual starting point fascinate, it is the picture spaces that he creates which have established...

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Peter Freitag works with pre-existing motifs taken from advertising, magazines or art catalogues. Using these items to create unique units of being, his conceptual approach does not present a shallow criticism of these works; instead he opens a deconstructivist dialogue with their pictorial language.

Although his technique and conceptual starting point fascinate, it is the picture spaces that he creates which have established Peter Freitag's virtuous status. Working with the exactness of a detective, he dissects his material, rearranging and unleashing it to expose previously undiscovered coherencies which lend themselves to a multitude of interpretations.

In some of his works, the original information carriers disappear almost completely from view. The subtleness of the void is suddenly accorded a solo role, acting as an empty projection surface which abandons itself to the moment of viewing. In doing so, the artist opens a range of new vistas which unfold unchecked.

True to the original sensual meaning of ‘retouching’, Freitag's work seeks to quote its action: re-touching not to obscure, but to reveal that which was previously hidden.

Quoted from http://www.peterfreitag.de/the-big-nothingness

Peter Freitag
“Do you ever dream with your eyes open and what do you see?” | 2014 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

“Do you ever dream with your eyes open and what do you see?” | 2014 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

“Beauty Free” & “Read Between the Lies” | 2013 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

“Beauty Free” & “Read Between the Lies” | 2013 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

“Nothing is Better Nothing is Best” | 2013 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

“Nothing is Better Nothing is Best” | 2013 | Papercut, magazine pages | 40,5 x 59 cm

Works from the series “… shocked, I had no idea that this world existed!”

Works from the series “… shocked, I had no idea that this world existed!”

“Not just an activity, it is genuine creativity” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 34 x 27,5 cm

“Not just an activity, it is genuine creativity” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 34 x 27,5 cm

“I Want to Keep on Living, But …” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 36,5 x 25,5 cm

“I Want to Keep on Living, But …” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 36,5 x 25,5 cm

“The Nature Of The Beast” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 31 x 25,5 cm

“The Nature Of The Beast” | 2012 | Papercut, collage | 31 x 25,5 cm

“Her Future Died in Someone’s Past” | 2013 | Papercut, collage | 31,5 x 25,5 cm

“Her Future Died in Someone’s Past” | 2013 | Papercut, collage | 31,5 x 25,5 cm

“Never Mind” on “The Third Body”, Detail | 2013 | Magazine pages, collage, frame, wallpaper | 32,5 x 32,5 cm (ca 170 x 170cm)

“Never Mind” on “The Third Body”, Detail | 2013 | Magazine pages, collage, frame, wallpaper | 32,5 x 32,5 cm (ca 170 x 170cm)

“If Wishes Were Horses” | 2013 | Magazine pages, collage | 47,5 x 45 cm

“If Wishes Were Horses” | 2013 | Magazine pages, collage | 47,5 x 45 cm

“The Angry Dwarf” | 2013 | Papercut, billboardposters | 175 x 119 cm

“The Angry Dwarf” | 2013 | Papercut, billboardposters | 175 x 119 cm

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