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Manfred Peckl Main Profile Image

Manfred Peckl

Berlin, Germany

Collage, Conceptual art, Drawing, Installation, Mixed media, Painting, Performance, Sculpture, Text • Born in Wels, Austria • Studied at Hochschule fuer Bildende Kuenste, Städelschule, Frankfurt

Published  06/11/2014   |   Updated  25/03/2018

"Ever since"

Manfred Peckl
Colours conquer the earth: ooohh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Colours conquer the earth: ooohh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Colours conquer the earth: aaahh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Colours conquer the earth: aaahh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Colours conquer the earth: iiihh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Colours conquer the earth: iiihh | 120 x 100 cm | 2014

Das Tier | 80 x 50 cm | 2013

Das Tier | 80 x 50 cm | 2013