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Berlin, Germany
Published 10/04/2017 | Updated 11/04/2017
The objects used in Fritz Bornstück's still lifes gain new life as the artist reuses and recycles the debris of popular culture in a practice he describes as cultural recycling. Bornstück (b. 1982) is a collector, pulling materials from wide and varied sources – such as film noir, found footage, his immediate surrounding or even private trash – and puts the contents of his ongoing collection in formal discussions to produce dynamic...
Read moreThe objects used in Fritz Bornstück's still lifes gain new life as the artist reuses and recycles the debris of popular culture in a practice he describes as cultural recycling. Bornstück (b. 1982) is a collector, pulling materials from wide and varied sources – such as film noir, found footage, his immediate surrounding or even private trash – and puts the contents of his ongoing collection in formal discussions to produce dynamic aesthetic friction. The used materials communicate the artist's creative context in translation, appropriating their sources and reinterpreting them to produce an associative space for the viewer.
Traces remain as the landscapes and places, which are depicted are abandonned. Silence, Light, Reflections, stories and history are calling to be unravelled.
What is it about your studio space that inspires you?
Beauty in Dirt
What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?
Preferably Silence, but there is always something.
What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?
What themes do you pursue?
Still lifes, Romantic Landscapes, Brutalist Architecture, Trash, Astronomie, Tales from the Far Side, Everything and Nothing
What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?
An older and more experienced artist told me to forget about my personal life and stories.
If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?
On the Dark Side of the Moon
If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?
Any Vermeer
If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?
What are your favourite places besides your studio?
My moped, riding through outskirts
Transatlantic Hokuspokus
My Love for You is Like a Japanese Car
Where are we now
Intentional Stance
Arken Museum, Copenhagen
Sammlung Hildebrand, Leipzig
Galerie Mikael Andersen | www.mikaelandersen.com
Herrmann Germann Contemporary | www.herrmanngermann.com
2003-2005 Akademie für Bildende Kunst, Mainz
2005-2009 UdK, Berlin
2010-2012 De Ateliers, Amsterdam