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Leipzig/ Germany
Published 14/12/2022 | Updated 16/10/2024
Where sticky notes become a monument and bookmark ribbons a living waterfall, where the 'good' dissolves into the 'even better' and small German flags form a front that emits an annoying cacophony of anthems, you are standing in the middle of the world of thought of the conceptual artist Frenzy Höhne, who knows best how to develop significant images of our contemporary society from everyday things in a thoroughly humorous, sensitive and very...
Read moreWhere sticky notes become a monument and bookmark ribbons a living waterfall, where the 'good' dissolves into the 'even better' and small German flags form a front that emits an annoying cacophony of anthems, you are standing in the middle of the world of thought of the conceptual artist Frenzy Höhne, who knows best how to develop significant images of our contemporary society from everyday things in a thoroughly humorous, sensitive and very apt way. The artist astutely makes use of a variety of media techniques; develops objects, space-related sculptures and sound installations, photographs, graphics and drawings that address the values and needs of our communal life in a multi-layered way. Thus crocheted threads combine to form the image of a bleeding flag, the advertising slogans of large chain shops give rise to queues in front of small grocers and the plinth of art itself complains; I am 'Only for a short time'.
Her ambiguous works and humorously, sometimes ironically connoted set pieces of our everyday life create critical questions about the world of individual striving that surrounds us and the never-ending profit optimisation of our time. Frenzy Höhne's complex works are pointed, enigmatic and remarkably direct at the same time; in addition to their technical brilliance, they have a distinctly appealing and integrative character.
NEUE EBENE Frenzy Höhne + Felix Gonzáles-Torres | Galerie Adlergasse/ riesa efau Kultur Forum Dresden 2022
KONVERSATIONSSTÜCK #07, 2016 - ES IST ANGERICHTET, 2017 - NEUERERER, 2017 (f.l.t.r.) - Størpunkt Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst München, 2017
NEUES LEBEN II (Weltall-Erde-Mensch), 2018 - Museum der bildenden Künste (MdbK) Leipzig 2019 Photo: Gustav Franz
MEHR INHALT, 2017 - NOCH BESSER, 2015 - AUSLAGE, 2014 (f.l.t.r.) - Werkschauhalle/ Spinnerei Leipzig 2017
RESTPOSTEN, 2018 - MEHR INHALT, 2017 (inside) - SONDERPOSTEN, 2018 (f.l.t.r.) - Kunstraum Praline Leipzig, 2018
DENKMAL, 2012 - contemporary art ruhr, SANAA-Gebäude/ Welterbe Zollverein Essen 2014 (art work comes without model;-)
KOMMT ZEIT KOMMT RAT, 2021 (sound installation) - BILDER MACHEN LEUTE, 2020 (acrylic on canvas) - solo position for LOFT8 Gallery, PARALLEL VIENNA 2021
SOLO, Galerie Quadriga Leipzig
NOCH BESSER LEBEN - Leo Breuer Preis 2024, gkg - Gesellschaft für Kunst und Gestaltung Bonn
KONSUMTEMPEL, Kunstverein Oerlinghausen/ Alte Synagoge
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VOR DIE TÜR, Kunstverein Meißen *Cat.
RE:VISION, Kunstverein Tiergarten Berlin *Cat
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1997 - 1998 Sudium Philosophie, Leibniz Universität Hannover
1998 - 2005 Studium/ Diplom Freie Kunst, Hochschule der bildenden Künste - HfbK Hamburg
2010 - 2012 Meisterschülerin, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst - HGB Leipzig