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Be Andr Main Profile Image

Be Andr

London, UK

Drawing, Mixed media, Painting, Sculpture, Text • Born in Norway • Studied at Royal College of Art, UK

Published  05/03/2015   |   Updated  03/05/2023

"My work is situated in the no-man’s land between images and words. What is given is not a text or a word–it possesses a difference, which is not to be read but rather seen." –Be Andr

Be Andr (1978, Norway) is an artist that lives and works in London, UK. Andr studied at the Royal College of Art, London and at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London. He has exhibited internationally most recently with exhibitions at La Posta Foundation, Spain; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel and CCA Andratx Art Centre.

See his work and show installations on Read more

Be Andr (1978, Norway) is an artist that lives and works in London, UK. Andr studied at the Royal College of Art, London and at the Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London. He has exhibited internationally most recently with exhibitions at La Posta Foundation, Spain; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, Israel and CCA Andratx Art Centre.

See his work and show installations on beandr.com

Be Andr
Untitled (I, You, Us, Them), Steel, LED light, 300 cm x 252 cm x 12 cm, Permanent installation Vahl flerbrukshall Oslo, Collection of City of Oslo, Norway

Untitled (I, You, Us, Them), Steel, LED light, 300 cm x 252 cm x 12 cm, Permanent installation Vahl flerbrukshall Oslo, Collection of City of Oslo, Norway

Untitled (Stop Looking no 2), 2018, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (Stop Looking no 2), 2018, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (Stop Looking no 4), 2021, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (Stop Looking no 4), 2021, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (Stop Looking no 2), 2018, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm; Untitled (Stop Looking no 4), 2021, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (Stop Looking no 2), 2018, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm; Untitled (Stop Looking no 4), 2021, oil on canvas, 150 cm x 180 cm

Untitled (I, You, Us, Them), Steel, LED light, 300 cm x 252 cm x 12 cm, Permanent installation Vahl flerbrukshall Oslo, Collection of City of Oslo, Norway

Untitled (I, You, Us, Them), Steel, LED light, 300 cm x 252 cm x 12 cm, Permanent installation Vahl flerbrukshall Oslo, Collection of City of Oslo, Norway

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