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Alastair R Noble Main Profile Image

Alastair R Noble

Kirn, Dunoon Scotland

Conceptual art, Drawing, Installation, Mixed media, Text • Born in Liverpool, England • Studied at MFA Rutgers University New Jersey USA

Published  15/12/2023   |   Updated  27/05/2024

Babel Babble

My artistic practice is a response to architecture and the natural environment and reflects on particular sites in the context of poetry and literature. Alternative approaches to mapping is the crux of my research, I juxtapose and transform words, signs, symbols and texts into installations, artist’s books, prints and drawings.
The writings of Mallarmé, Marinetti, Mayakovsky, Wittgenstein, Heraclitus have been the genesis of numerous...

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My artistic practice is a response to architecture and the natural environment and reflects on particular sites in the context of poetry and literature. Alternative approaches to mapping is the crux of my research, I juxtapose and transform words, signs, symbols and texts into installations, artist’s books, prints and drawings.
The writings of Mallarmé, Marinetti, Mayakovsky, Wittgenstein, Heraclitus have been the genesis of numerous works. The language games invented by Argentinean writer Jorge Luis Borges, evident in his short narratives are the stimulus for installations and and environmental interventions. “The Library of Babel” was transposed into a series of "Babel" installations and “On the Exactitude of Science” formed the basis for investigations into alternative methods of mapping the landscape entitled "Mapping Arcadia."

My drawings are a mediation on the writers’ words that I transpose into multiple layered inscriptions. By hand-copying the lines, they become interwoven into random patterns transforming language into indecipherable calligraphic notations. A significant element of my drawings result in the juxtaposition of the patterns created by the overlapping written notations that reflect the textures within the texts. These drawings are devised in series reflecting on a whole poem or short passages from longer manuscripts.

I have exhibited extensively nationally and internationally including Italy, Denmark, Peru, Chile, Bulgaria and the US and the UK. Periodically, I write on sculpture and architecture for art journals, magazines and catalogues. Additionally, I curate and organizes exhibitions that complement my own research related to mapping. I have taught and lectured at numerous colleges, universities and public institutions. Currently I divide my time between Scotland and the USA where I have a studio in Upstate New York I also have a studio and gallery DunoonMOCA, Dunoon Scotland with a focus on TextArt, Poetry & Artist's Books.Two years ago I established Gnōbilis Press as a means to promote and distribute my artist's books and prints.


Alastair R Noble
Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday installation DunoonMOCA 2024

Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday installation DunoonMOCA 2024

Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday installation DunoonMOCA 2024

Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday installation DunoonMOCA 2024

Detail installation Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday

Detail installation Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday

Artist Book Ulixes

Artist Book Ulixes

Boats Moor - installation DunoonMOCA 2022

Boats Moor - installation DunoonMOCA 2022

Boats Moor - installation DunoonMOCA 2022

Boats Moor - installation DunoonMOCA 2022

Boats Moor-installation DunoonMOCA 2022

Boats Moor-installation DunoonMOCA 2022

FOLDINGS - A Throw of Dice - installation in coillaboration with Kathy Bruce DunoonMOCA 2023

FOLDINGS - A Throw of Dice - installation in coillaboration with Kathy Bruce DunoonMOCA 2023

FOLDINGS - A Throw of Dice - DunoonMOCA 2023

FOLDINGS - A Throw of Dice - DunoonMOCA 2023

Studio DunoonMOCA 2023

Studio DunoonMOCA 2023

Drunken Boat - (Rimbaud) 12 drawings on vellum of complete poem 2020

Drunken Boat - (Rimbaud) 12 drawings on vellum of complete poem 2020

Drunken Boat - (Rimbaud) 1 drawings on vellum of section from poem 2020

Drunken Boat - (Rimbaud) 1 drawings on vellum of section from poem 2020

PII- XXXII-420 Goethe's Theory of Colour 1 of 12 drawings 556mmx279.5mm 2016

PII- XXXII-420 Goethe's Theory of Colour 1 of 12 drawings 556mmx279.5mm 2016

PII-XXXII-420 Goethe's Theory of Colour 1 of 12 drawings 556mmx279.5mm 2016

PII-XXXII-420 Goethe's Theory of Colour 1 of 12 drawings 556mmx279.5mm 2016

Witt III - 110  Series 1of12 drawings excerpts from Wittgenstein's "Remarks on Colour" 254mmx140mm 2015

Witt III - 110 Series 1of12 drawings excerpts from Wittgenstein's "Remarks on Colour" 254mmx140mm 2015

Witt III -111 Series 1of12 drawings excerpts from Wittgenstein's "Remarks on Colour" 254mmx140mm 2015

Witt III -111 Series 1of12 drawings excerpts from Wittgenstein's "Remarks on Colour" 254mmx140mm 2015

Message in a Bottle - installation Hopper House Museum  Nyack NY 2019

Message in a Bottle - installation Hopper House Museum Nyack NY 2019

Message in a Bo(a)ttle - installation Hopper House Mueum Nyack NY 2019

Message in a Bo(a)ttle - installation Hopper House Mueum Nyack NY 2019

Alphabet - 2016 environment project in collaboration with Kathy Bruce -text extract from poem Alphabet woven in willow by Inger Christensen site GasMuseet Hobro Denmark

Alphabet - 2016 environment project in collaboration with Kathy Bruce -text extract from poem Alphabet woven in willow by Inger Christensen site GasMuseet Hobro Denmark

Alphabet - environment project & collaboration with Kathy Bruce - text in willow with Honeysuckle planted to grow up each letter

Alphabet - environment project & collaboration with Kathy Bruce - text in willow with Honeysuckle planted to grow up each letter

Alphabet - prints made at studio in upstate NY of text woven in willow a quote from poem Alphabet (1981) by Danish poet Inger Christensen

Alphabet - prints made at studio in upstate NY of text woven in willow a quote from poem Alphabet (1981) by Danish poet Inger Christensen

Alphabet prints Danish text - og grenenes eneste tegning branches exist- English  and the lone drawing made by the branches

Alphabet prints Danish text - og grenenes eneste tegning branches exist- English and the lone drawing made by the branches

Into the Rivers - Drawing - one of the Fragments Heraclitus 762 mm x 600mm - on going series 2022

Into the Rivers - Drawing - one of the Fragments Heraclitus 762 mm x 600mm - on going series 2022

Change - Drawing - one of the Fragments Heraclitus 762 mm x 600mm - on going series 2022

Change - Drawing - one of the Fragments Heraclitus 762 mm x 600mm - on going series 2022

MALLARME 2000 - installation sand blasted glass panels Pardo Gallery NYC 2000

MALLARME 2000 - installation sand blasted glass panels Pardo Gallery NYC 2000

Le Tombeau de S. Mallarmé, Materials; wood & marble illuminated 2000

Le Tombeau de S. Mallarmé, Materials; wood & marble illuminated 2000

Endgame: Empty Vessels Bankley Gallery Manchester Materials; two steel bins with labels 2018

Endgame: Empty Vessels Bankley Gallery Manchester Materials; two steel bins with labels 2018

Endgame Materials;  Empty Vessels Bankley Gallery Manchestertwo steel bins with labels 2018

Endgame Materials; Empty Vessels Bankley Gallery Manchestertwo steel bins with labels 2018

BABEL/ BABBLE Simons Center Art Gallery Stony Brook University LI NY 2011

BABEL/ BABBLE Simons Center Art Gallery Stony Brook University LI NY 2011

What is it about your studio space that inspires you?

It is a place to focus without interruptions

What sounds, scents and sights do you encounter while in your studio?

I listen to music & interviews with poets and writers on youtube

What is your favourite material to work with? How has your use of it evolved throughout your practice?

Paper because of its versatility

What themes do you pursue?

Alternative approaches to mapping

What advice has had the biggest impact on your career?

“You must go on. I can't go on. I'll go on.” Samuel Beckett

If you could install your art absolutely anywhere, where would that be?

Palazzo Grassi

If you could only have one piece of art in your life, what would it be?

I already have it Duchamp (À l'infinitif) (The White Box)

If you weren´t an artist, what would you be doing?


What are your favourite places besides your studio?

Standing on the shore line looking out to sea




Ulixes: A Prelude to James Joyce's Bloomsday DunoonMOCA Dunoon Scotland


Message in a Bo(a)ttle II, Heritage Museum St Andrews Scotland


Message in a Bo(a)ttle installation Hopper House Museum Nyack NY

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Empty Vessels, Bankley Gallery Manchester UK


Winter Salon – Jaeckel Gallery 532 W 25thSt NYC NY USA

Et tu, Art Brute Andrew Edlin Gallery NYC NY USA

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Brooklyn Museum of Art NY USA

Cass Sculpture Park Foundation UK

David Bermant Collection USA

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2013 K2 Family Foundation award artist residency Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Park Woodstock Vermont

2009 Scottish Natural Heritage grant

2009 Gulbenkian Calouste Foundation Trust Art in the Public Realm

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